Industry Foods and Beverages
Date Aired Aug 2009
Date Tested Jan 2010
Report Published Apr 2010
Target Audience Females, age 18+
Reference Code 219
Price $200

This Asian TV commercial (TVC) advertising market research scorecard shows how the TVC for Maggi in Asian granule, compares to the average of all TVCs tested using the Cimigo AdTraction advertising market research methodology. Market research born, grown and tested in Asia, Cimigo understands Asian consumers in order to help our clients win.

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Industry Foods and Beverages
Date Aired Aug 2009
Date Tested Jan 2010
Report Published Apr 2010
Target Audience Females, age 18+
Reference Code 219
Price $200

This Asian TV commercial (TVC) advertising market research scorecard shows how the TVC for Maggi in Asian granule, compares to the average of all TVCs tested using the Cimigo AdTraction advertising market research methodology. Market research born, grown and tested in Asia, Cimigo understands Asian consumers in order to help our clients win.

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