Market research Vietnam seminar: Best of ESOMAR 2019

Sep 06, 2019

ESOMAR hosted the Best of ESOMAR Vietnam market research seminar in Saigon.

Top market researchers in Vietnam presented leading-edge market research papers.

With the desire to help clients and researchers foresee the future of Vietnam market research, the seminar gathered top guest speakers from market research agencies. The seminar, which is sponsored by Cimigo Vietnam, GMO Research and Rakuten Insight, attracted over 100 research professionals of to join.

Mr. John Smurthwaite, an APAC ESOMAR ambassador, welcomed audiences at the very first beginning with an introduction of ESOMAR.

ESOMAR Vietnam

ESOMAR is the only truly global association for the data, research and insights profession. By sharing ESOMAR’s vision and mission, John emphasised that ESOMAR would bring research professionals and agencies a wealth of benefits and knowledge sharing.You can download John’s presentation here. You can join ESOMAR here.

The Vietnam ESOMAR representative, Mr. Richard Burrage, who is the founder and managing director of Cimigo, was the next presenter.

market research Vietnam
market research Vietnam

After demonstrating the significant market research industry transformation between 2009-2019 in methods, market structure, software and tools, Richard predicted the 6 biggest growth areas during the next decade to 2030.  Richard also reviewed the recommended skills that researchers will need to be well-prepared to adapt to the future of market research in Vietnam and Asia. You can download Richard’s presentation here.

Mr. Paul Janssen, vice director of SKIM Netherlands, contributed to the seminar by addressing two of the biggest challenges that e-commerce players in Asia must confront.

online shopping Vietnam

The first challenge is making it easy for online customers to find the product they want among the clutter of infinite options. Secondly, the barrier presented by the fact that online customers cannot touch, smell or taste the product before making a purchase decision. Paul looked at ways in which these challenges might be overcome by a vastly improved use of product images. You can download Paul’s presentation here.

“The more people feel, the more people buy”, said by Mr. Lester Sualog, APAC managing director of System 1. Based on three basic pillars of consumer behavior, which are emotional response, rapid pattern recognition and being driven by top-of-mind preferences, Lester and his team measured the quality and impact of creative ads. One of the techniques is the second by second emotion tracking that can reflect the experiencing-self of the consumer.

advertising research Vietnam

Collaborating with Lester in the section is Ms. Cheng Wee Wan, associate client director of System 1.

advertising research Vietnam

She provided us with interesting case studies of ultra-short, non-sensorial, fluent devices and long-form ads as examples of how to make an effective ad rely on emotions. You can download their presentation here.

Ralf Matthaes, founder & CEO of Infocus Mekong Research, gave his speech to compare data collection methods and when best to apply them.

data collection Vietnam

He presented an overview of data collection methods in three perspectives, which are marketers’ concerns, researchers’ concerns and respondents’ concerns before concluding with the positive and negative sides of each data collection method. You can download Ralf’s presentation here.

In the final section, Chee Meng Liong, APAC business development director of GMO Research, indicated the biggest challenges and opportunities of using mobile payment across Asia.

e payments Vietnam

He emphasised that the presence of mobile payment penetration rate varied among countries, which is partially dependent on government’s ability to transform challenges to opportunities. You can download Chee Meng’s presentation here.

The Best of ESOMAR Vietnam ended with a discussion panel of market research experts facilitated by Richard Burrage, managing director of Cimigo. Panel experts included Ms. Louise Hawley – managing director of Nielsen, Mr. Negishi Masami – managing director of Intage, Ms. Tran Lien Phuong – managing director of Insights Asia and Mr. Phan Quang Thinh – managing director of Tita Research. Together they shared their thoughts on what the future may look like for market research in Vietnam and how that may impact businesses.

research experts Vietnam

Consequently, most experts agreed that methods of doing research would gradually shift from offline to online, while adapting the need of being able to measure sales performance for clients.

Finally, a big thank you to ESOMAR, the sponsors, the speakers and most of all the participants for attending the Best of ESOMAR Vietnam seminar. Please join ESOAMR here and see you next year…

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