May 28, 2021

The wealth of information which historic research, Cimigo’s segmentation research and ethnography yielded was too much for their implementing teams to digest separately.


A discovery workshop led by Cimigo brought together key stakeholders and digested the information of the research together. Structured learning exercises taught them important competencies in spotting opportunities, turning observations into insights and developing new ideas to leverage.

Better choices

The discovery workshop resulted in a prioritised set of opportunities and action plans for each team addressing quick wins, midterm opportunities and a pipeline of new innovations to develop.

Optimising dairy concepts

Jun 30, 2021

A dairy company wanted to test a new product concept, so we tested two concepts to find the

Off to university – overseas!

May 28, 2021

A leading financial services company needed to win customers earlier, as soon as they needed to

New diaper packaging

Jun 30, 2021

Optimising packaging design to garner attention and communicate the